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Apr 27, 2008

Telecomunication Labs

Telecommunication Labs have been established and are heavily equipped with the latest instruments being used in the cutting edge technology. These labs focus the research work as well as the project development in the areas of communication, DSP, Antenna and Wave Propagation.

Research and Development (R & D) Lab

This lab will be focusing to the research activities of undergraduate level and postgraduate level students. Fully equipped with latest P-IV computers and internet facility this lab will give a straight way to research work in the institute.

Embedded System Lab

A fully equipped embedded system lab is under development. This lab will be equipped with the latest instrument including Digital Oscilloscopes, Mini Logic Analyzer, Digital Trainers, IC Testing Stations, Chip Stations, Micro-controller Trainers, Micro-controller Programmers, Chip Erasers, Robotic Arms, Lego Robotic Kits, Robotic Kinematics Simulators and many more cutting edge technological instruments.

Computer Architecture Lab

A fully equipped computer architecture lab is in operation facilities for the following courses:

. Digital Logic design
. Computer architecture
. Data Communication
. Microprocessor architecture
. Fundamentals of electronics
. Electromagnetism

Computer Architecture lab plays an important role in creating scientific and engineering skills relevant to computer hardware design and testing.

Apr 13, 2008

Information Technology Center (Laboratories)

At FUIEMS we believe that today’s generation must be exposed to tomorrow’s technology. With this vision FUIEMS has recently equipped its IT lab with seventy high performance Pentium IV computers, Compaq application servers and Manageable switches. This is in addition to the already existing IT infrastructure of FUIEMS which consists of two IT labs of thirty PIII systems each.